Mining Seasonal Tokens - Simply Mine From Your Home Computer!
The tokens are smart contracts running on the Ethereum network that ultimately are produced by proof-of-work (PoW) mining, as is Bitcoin. It is possible to mine the tokens with a graphics card, by downloading and running the mining software, but it isn't economical, because it's cheaper to buy the tokens than to pay for the electricity. Most mining today is performed using FPGAs, which are more competitive than graphics cards.

Mining pool stats
Your Mining Statistics
AccountClicking below will send your token balance to the following address:
You will need to have enough ETH in your account to pay for the gas fee for minting show above as well as the gas used by the withdrawal transaction.
The transaction will take a short time to be confirmed on the Ethereum network. It will be visible as a Pending Withdrawal in your MetaMask wallet until then.
Please allow each withdrawal to complete before withdrawing again. If multiple withdrawals are submitted at the same time, only one of them will succeed.
FAQ - Questions On Mining!
If you have an Nvidia or AMD card, you can download the mining software for your card and operating system, and then use one of the following pool addresses for pool mining:
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
For Nvidia cards, you can use the following miner: Cosmic Miner
For AMD cards, you can use the following miner: SolidiytSha3Miner.
FPGA's provide the most mining power. You can get a Blackminer from for about $1,500.